
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

An Unrelated Introduction

Hello, Muggles! This is Unrelated Wizards (a group of HP RP).
I'm Lily Evans-Potter, one of the admin on our  website,]. It may be chaotic here... but when is it not? Everyone will do an introduction for you. All post *will* be in character (our UW character that is). It doesn't have to be Canon, however, it cannot be about your actual self. Save that for the website.

Alright, UWers, ready for your first posting requirements?
You must have:

  • A small About Me
  • Description of yourself (a picture will work just fine). 
  • Some random things about your character (as in, favorite food, favorite color, relatives)
  • Background. What's happened to your character since you've registered on UW (or UC)?
That's all! I'll create a new post about myself later. This is just our introduction!
Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns all of the characters (except for Ginny's many children. And my child on the way).

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